Dr. N. Gurunatha Naidu
Hey! I'am Dr. N. Gurunatha Naidu
Rendered 25 years of service for poultry industry with Doctorate on Broiler Integration, adopted many innovative marketing strategies to uplift the rural poultry farmers in south India. He moved to teaching line with passion and shared blended knowledge to management students to reach their life goals. He worked as professor in Mohan Babu University (erstwhile Sree Vidyanikethan) for 15 years. He has undergone training in Strategic management in different IIMs, IIFT, IBA ,NIT and MDI, New Delhi. He has organized two National level conferences on “Management Thoughts from Bhagavadgeetha sponsored by TTD, Tirupathi. He is a regular resource person for APRDI and many leading B schools. Recently completed MAIMT ( Master in Indian Ancient Management Techniques) in Rastriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupathi and secured second position in the university. He has authored and co authored for 7 books and published/presented many papers in journals, national and international conferences. He is a good motivational speaker and strongly believes to continue the learning journey