Prof. Kuldeep Sharma
DIRECTOR - Placement
M.Sc (Maths), MBA (Finance)
Hey! I'am Prof. Kuldeep Sharma
"The best way to predict the future is to create it"
— Abraham Lincoln
The students joining Business Education need to have strong and vivid aspirations to make a career in the dream industry, to become an entrepreneur, or to pursue higher study. We value the dreams of our students and are always eager to provide best the platforms to our students.
The Training, Placement & Career Guidance Cell at IIBS has a creatively designed Career Counselling and training structure that offers the right guidance to every student right from the day the student joins the campus to follow their inspirations. Students are taught to dream and then they are encouraged to fulfill their dreams and goals.
The opportunities for internships are provided by TP&CG in a variety of industries at the National and International levels to acquaint the students with the industry work culture and technical know-how. IIBS is a preferred institute for top recruiters including MNCs, established Indian industries, and National startups offering a variety of job roles.
The Brand Ambassadors of any Educational Institute are its Alumni. It makes us proud to say that our alumni occupy excellent positions in Business, Industry, R&D, and Academia in India and abroad. They are actively involved in various activities conducted at the department and institute levels.
Despite of operational difficulties faced during COVID-19, IIBS has grown by leaps and bounds and is emerging as one of the best Business Schools in Bengaluru. It gives me immense pride to state that because of the collective efforts of the faculty members, students, and staff over the past few years, IIBS is accredited by NAAC as an 'A' Grade. I am hopeful of its acquiring greater heights in the years to come.
Our illustrious faculty, versatile talent of our strong alumni network, and industrial leaders as visiting faculty have all worked hard to produce a talent pool, that I am sure will be welcomed by the industry.
We express our sincere gratitude to all those organizations who have extended their active support and helped the department in accomplishing its endeavor. It will be a great privilege for us to host you and provide our students an opportunity to demonstrate their capability, intellect, and professional readiness to get inducted into your esteemed organization. We assure you that we have a good number of meritorious and industry-ready students who may prove as an asset to your organization.
I wish all my dear students, great success in their lives and career ahead.